Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going, Going.....

They will be gone before we know it.....

Today I am sharing some creations made with a
few of this year's retiring stamp sets. I won't be listing
all the supplies used like I normally do, but I will give
you which set it is and the cost and page number in the IB&C.
As always - just let me know if you have a question and
I'll be happy to share my information!

I also want to remind everyone that I am giving
away 2 Free Hostess Stamp Sets this month!
Simply place an order for any retiring stamp sets
and earn a chance in the the drawing for these awesome
stamp sets. See my post HERE for more details!!

(Click Images To Enlarge)
Lots Of Bots pg. 82
Wood 115293, $19.95
Clear 120009, $14.95

Pun Fun pg. 76
Wood 115054, $32.95

Pun Fun pg. 76
Wood 115054, $32.95

Bugs and Kisses pg. 96
Wood 116580, $26.95

Bugs and Kisses pg. 96
Wood 116580, $26.95

Tart and Tangy pg. 136
Wood 111514, $12.95

On a Pedestal pg. 55
Wood 113814, $19.95

Petal Pizzazz pg. 102
Wood 113417, $32.95
Contempo Alphabet pg. 162
Wood 111570, $43.95

All Holidays pg. 154
Wood 114916, $34.95

So Green pg. 146
Wood 118728, 14.95
Clear 120588, 11.95

Apple Blossoms (HOSTESS) pg. 12

Forest Friends pg. 93
Wood 113748, $14.95

Happy Together pg. 75
Wood 114314, $14.95
Great Friend pg. 122
Wood 113792, $17.95

A Flower for All Seasons pg 107
Wood 111592, $14.95
Great Friend pg. 122
Wood 113792, $17.95

These are not listed in any particular order... I will miss
them all. But, I have seen the new 2011-2012 IB&C and
I can assure you that the new sets are incredible!!

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!
-- Jenny :D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Say Good-Bye....

Sad, but true - lots of great sets are on this year's retirement list.
It's time to say good-bye! I am offering a chance to win two great
hostess sets with each order containing retirement list stamp sets.
The sets are Because I Care, level one hostess set (main catty) and
Something to Celebrate, level two hostess set (occasion mini).
So, order those "last chance" sets in June and get a chance to win
OR book a workshop in June and receive two chances to win!

Check out the lists here:

Wood Mount

Clear Mount


Retired Items At A Discount
Don't forget to check those lists for accessories at a discount!!
Click on the Place An Order Link on the Right Side Bar then
Shop Now Button to place your order online, or call me.

Thanks For Stopping By!! -- Jenny Young :D